So my wonderful husband and lovely mother teamed up to get me the most awesome present… the Strong 209A Jewellers Micro Motor System in order to fit this into my messy space a re-arrange (and therefore tidy-up) needed to happen. I am much busier these days and so this will hopefully mean more time making jewellery less time looking for the tools and supplies I need. The micro motor is going to be a massive help as so many of my pieces involve drilling I’m seriously excited to get started I don’t have drill bits for it yet so far I’ve tried a little with burrs, the foot pedal is taking some getting used to.
So basically here are some before and after pictures of my work space, I moved my vice to make space for the motor and I also made a very basic wire stand to hold my torch. The folder to hold my wire was inspired by this site but I happened upon a display booklet. At first I was worried that the wires would slip past the paper dividers but I got round this by using too very different thickness’s in the same sleeves so I can’t possibly mistake them for one another.
This is as about as tidy as it ever gets O_O lofts are awesome.
Of course there are tons more ideas for easy access to tools that I want to pursue I’m busily filling up my pinterest workshop porn board.