The last pickle…
…hopefully. I am waiting on the what I hope will be the last pickle (a sort of warm acid bath that cleans off the solder gunk) of the bracelet. It seems to be taking way longer than it should. Once it is done I can see if my solder join was successful and begin cleaning […]
Tuesday nights at the bench
So my evening classes have finished till September and I have decided to use the same time each week for my own work at home starting tonight. At least sort of starting tonight since I am completely knackered from the wedding at the weekend with lots of alcohol, bad sleep and dancing on dodgy ankles […]
The motivation of being unmotivated?
I learnt something today about motivation. I’m not sure how useful it will be to me yet but I had always linked my levels of motivation to how I was feeling. If I’m a bit under the weather and unmotivated well that is to be expected. I’ve just had two weeks of constant pain from […]
Buying a Camera
Shh don’t tell but… since I plan to get that etsy shop off the ground sometime in the next… well ever would be nice (it isn’t like I’ve been planning to do this since last year or anything), I decided in true money spending, procrastinating style, I must have a better camera. I’ve been reading […]
That B***dy Bracelet
After taking a break from classes and pottering about with some things I will post about another time I finally started classes again in January and I’ve been working on a bracelet for my mum. It is an open oval shape made from multiple wires sort of woven in and out over and under and […]
Origami and I
I think I got my first origami book when I was twelve, I made loads of things from it and came back to the same book many times over. I was disappointed to find out in the last year or so that it is notorious for having used origami designers patterns unattributed and infringing copyright. […]
Dotty about copper
Early on in my first class I fell in love with the idea of mixing different metals, I particularly love the colour of copper but it doesn’t make very practical jewellery for everyone with that whole going green thing. So being generally over ambitious and foolhardy I decided to do a commission… for my mum. Ok […]
Inadvisable workspace
January 2011 I took up jewellery making classes, this isn’t a surprising thing for someone that takes up hobbies with crazy regularity but the choice is. I haven’t worn much in the way of jewellery even when I wore it at all in my teens but so far I love it. I get to use […]