Mike’s wedding and the dreaded ring of gold

I am not a terribly serious person, this may well be coming across by now, I like to have a bit of fun while working. It balances out the obsessive attention to detail and finish which can be a bit of a drag not to mention time consuming. So please enjoy this little bit of […]
Silver birch earrings and necklace

Let me tell you a story, once upon a time a man got drunk came home and proposed to a snotty, grotty, dressing gown wearing ill girlfriend. So romantic! She thought he wouldn’t remember in the morning and he was so embarrassed by her outraged response that he didn’t say anything the next day rather […]

I started this a long time ago playing with a design theme I do a lot of (copper wires soldered into holes drilled through silver) but lost heart a little finishing it as I’ve been told by most people it is creepy. Thinking about Halloween (and to be fair the cooksongold forum theme competition) I decided […]
Major Hiatus

So I’ve had a major hiatus from jewellery and therefore the blog and facebook page, first bit was pleurisy again, so rubbish! But shortly after I got pregnant which is amazing news followed by 3 months of puking and sleeping every hour I wasn’t at my fulltime job. I watched 12 weeks go by and […]
Erm so yeah…

So I set up my camera to catch some pictures of using the micromotor to send mum and on a whim I filmed these… They are basically bad live streams and certainly don’t make me look like an expert! I’m not sure I’d do any more as these are embarrassing to watch and any editing […]
New Year tidy up

So my wonderful husband and lovely mother teamed up to get me the most awesome present… the Strong 209A Jewellers Micro Motor System in order to fit this into my messy space a re-arrange (and therefore tidy-up) needed to happen. I am much busier these days and so this will hopefully mean more time making jewellery less […]
Weekend of inspiration

So this weekend not only did I get to see my ever inspiring sister exhibit her work at the http://www.free-range.org.uk/ as well as many other graduates but I also got to wander around the New Designers week one show. The pictures really don’t do her work justice but it was great to get a sense […]
Collections: Russet Motes

So having finally put together my shop I started thinking about organising my designs into collections. Ii isn’t a huge requirement yet as there aren’t that many products on there but I have been working on developing ideas I’ve already visited making complimentary but not matching items. Also just for finding something it make sense to group them […]
Wedding Rings
So I got married a year ago yesterday. Despite the wonderful reason for making them in this case, I must confess, rings aren’t my favourite things to make. It is kind of fine if you don’t have a particular size to aim for but generally I find them fiddly and frustrating getting a perfect fit. […]
Christmas presents
So sometime embarrassingly long ago a family member approached me about making a Christmas present for my Aunt. I was super excited about it but Christmas was far away and of course I procrastinated and fussed. I had lots of ideas, some of which I still hope to realise at a later date, but I […]